Section: Software


Participant : Sara Bouchenak [correspondant] .

MoKa  is a software framework for the modeling and capacity planning of distributed systems. It first provides a set of tools to build analytical models that describe the behavior of distributed computing systems, in terms of performance, availability, cost. The framework allows to include several model algorithms and to compare them regarding their accuracy and their efficiency. Furthermore, MoKa  provides a set of tools to build capacity planning methods. A capacity planning method allows to find a distributed system configuration that guarantee given quality-of-service objectives. MoKa  is able to include different capacity planning algorithms and to compare them regarding their efficiency and the optimality of their results. MoKa is available at: http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/research/moka .

  • ACM: C.2.4 Distributed Systems, C.4 Performance of Systems, D.2.9 Management

  • Keywords: Caching, multi-tier systems, consistency, performance

  • Software benefit: a novel end-to-end caching protocol for multi-tier services.

  • License: TBD

  • Type of human computer interaction: command-line interface

  • OS/Middleware: Windows, Linux, MacOS X

  • Programming language: Java